Saturday, March 13, 2010

Tips for Organizing...ADD style!

As a kid I never got why I couldnt be organized. Trust me, I TRIED! I tried everything. I would clean my room, my desk, whatever and wonder why two days later it was well on its way to being the same mess if not messier! So I would give up. I probably cleaned my desk area at least once every other month. It was nice when it was organized but I found I couldnt find anything.

Thats the problem with ADD you forget where things are when they are organized. Then again I also forget where things are when they are a mess. But at least I'm sure they are in the pile that I set them in (and most of the time they are). I recall I used to try to organize my desk and then write on a notebook what containers by the desk I had put stuff in. It worked at first...for a little bit. Till I lost the notebook or I forgot to keep putting it down.

I once read in order to keep track of your money (this is not for ADD people!) write it down in a notebook. I tried this for a while, every purchase it didnt last long. I couldnt ever keep a food notebook either for long. Its A)boring and B)I forgot to do it (or lost the dang thing!).

So the whole point of todays entry is about being organized with ADD cause its simply not easy! But if you must try to be organized for the sake of being organized do so that you will remember where things are.

1. Write stuff down in a place you will not only remember to do it (put it where you go the most!) but so you will remember

2. Also write stuff down on the go, on paper and with a pen or pencil. Although using your iphone, ipod, or even your cell phone is a nice idea you need to remember to actually look at those

3. Make it a habbit to always not only have pen and paper with you, but be checking these at night. You can remember to do certain things this just needs to become a habbit you keep. You brush your teeth, you feed the dog, you get dressed. Make it a habbit!

4. Get clear containers. My latest favorite! If you can afford to organize your space with containers GO CLEAR! It not only is a great idea but you can see whats in it. In fact make sure you can see whats in it. This shouldnt be a problem from drawers, to containers of all kinds and shapes and sizes you can be organized!

Now I need to follow my own tips...but for now I must say that have ADD is no fun. You dont want to be organized, or if you do you cant keep it. I have yet to learn how to keep it but you can learn along with me...why not?

Till I remember to write again....

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