Sunday, February 28, 2010

ADD doesnt mix well with...

So I have decided there are certain things that do not mix well when you have A.D.D. I'm not talking the simplest ones like Sugar, or Not Getting Sleep. I'm talking things that arent a good idea. Here are a few that I wanted to throw out there.

1. Office jobs. Not only is that so boring just THINKING about it I dont think I could stand it! Imaging sitting at a desk. Now maybe if you worked in the front office of a vet I thought that might be fun. I've tried for that type job a few times no success

2.My favorite is LARGE houses. After doing some yellow page delivering to a neighborhood filled with HUGE houses I have decided that it would NOT be a good idea to EVER live in a house that big with A.D.D. Let me tell you why. In our place with two bedrooms, a living room dining room, kitchen, 1.5baths we still loose things ALL the time. Sometimes cause the place is messy. But the most biggest reason is cause we both set things down and forget about where it was put. Not only forget we dont remember we did it at all! I was just imagining loosing stuff in a HUGE house. Just think about it. You might have like 6 rooms, 3 bathrooms, several living rooms, a large garage. The possibilities are endless that you not only WOULD loose stuff but WHERE and WHEN. I would go insane. I cant keep track of stuff in our place. What would that mean in a huge house?

I will come up with more later. But for now. If you got A.D.D. dont work at an office and NO BIG HOUSES!

Got it? Or did you get so distracted you thought you were reading this...if not cheers and see you on the other side! :)

Till I remember this again.

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