I have many a story on this thing but here are my favorites:
- My mom used to leave her TEA on the roof a nice cold glass in a plastic cup (the glass was actually glass protected by plastic sorta). Now she did this several times, the cup would slid off the roof and end up falling, mom would see it and stop. But then again it didnt always turn out so well. It did break the cup a few times, she had doubles. She did this so much it was scary! But funny!
- Mel and me were driving out one day, it had been raining. I had put her "key chain" necklace that attached to her keychains but she had detached to get in the car. Well it was on the roof. It flew off, we dont know when it happened. We came home that night, in the dark we looked for a while in the rain, it was probably on the grass but long gone. All cause I put it up there.
- One time I was going to college, mom was driving our van. I put my bagel sandwhich I had just made for breakfast on the roof. Well we did our usual turn around to go the other way up the street and then I went "wheres my sandwhich?" Yeah it was still on the roof, dont know how and I got it just fine. Thankful it didnt slid off!
- Driving from the river area one day, we left my tennis shoes and socks on the roof. Not until we were outside the river area driving down the busy street did Mel see my shoes slide down the back window! Several feet up she stopped and ran back to get them. Thankfully cars were going around these costly shoes...I didnt care about the socks but she managed to get them too.
- Wheres your backpack? I said turning to Mel. We had just left the mall parking lot, her blue lego backpack was missing. We had gone to KFC when we noticed just down the street. We turned around went back to the mall parking lot. Being tired that day it had slidden of the roof and someone had nicely put it by a tree unharmed. Glad someone was so nice but sorry that we didnt check the roof and almost loose her favorite bag! Oops!
Now for those left in the car stories here you go:
- Mom went to move Mels car one day back in Anaheim. She wanted to move Mel to the handicapped parking spot so Mel would be okay when the street sweeper came. She asked Mel for the handicapped sign. Well turns out she still had it. So mom goes to the car to get it. She finds Mels club off, the keys in the ignation, and the doors unlocked! Now thankfully she didnt get her car stollen...
- So mom was bad too. Few times I would ask her things I saw already outside. One time I looked out and saw that her tea was still on the roof of the car with her in the house. I asked her where it was.
- Another time I went mom wheres your keys? Oh they were there all right still hanging in the car ignition. Mind you she did this a few times.
- Not really a car story mom once left her keys hanging in the door to come in the house! Not to be beat Mel last year did the same thing at our new place. But she did it ALL night long. Our neighbor he thought it was so funny when he saw it when he got up the next day. I guess she was tired...
- Mel has left her keys in the car so many times we have an on going joke about it, where should we put her keys now? My favorite being the day that she locked her key in the car, I locked my HOUSE keys in the car all outside of our apartment laundry room. We spent a half hour trying to get in, left the car in one hour too. While she tried to break in I had to go and try to break in the apartment. I decided to see if the window still broken and open, it was. I pushed my way in and got my phone still at home, and opened the door for Mel. She had to call about the car key of course seeing mine was still in the car too along with my house key. Whos geneous idea was that one?
- One day Mel was doing her usual locked key in car thing, she was like where is it, yes locked in the car and where else? In the ignition!
- So one night in Oceanside I went in the house and left the back of Mels car open all night long. We were only too glad that the car was still there the next day (same one as the one mom found with more invitations then this to be stolen!).
- This isnt a car story, its a garage story. A few times while living in Oceanside we would leave the garage door open. Not just us, our parents too. Back in Anaheim came home in the middle of the night to find dad had turned off the garage light but left the door open. Ah how nice way to get in the house and steal stuff!
So lesson learned here with ADD check the roof, check the car and make sure if you are going in for the night nothing important is in the car, or in some cases the keys arent still in the house door!! :))